lectures & events

Emergent Data Infrastructures in Public Health Insurance: how the tech-industry’s profit-driven techniques mold public sector governmentality, AOIR conference, 30 October-2 November 2024, Sheffield (UK); together with Doris Allhutter.

Communal Infrastructures of Welfare: public value, data extractivism and data justice, ECREA conference, 24-27 September, Ljubljana (together with Doris Allhutter & Rafaela Cavalcanti de Alcântara).

Ars Electronica workshop Data for the People, 7 October 2024, Linz (A); together with Doris Allhutter.

Data power in the public sector. How data are used to exercise power in public health insurance, Data Power Conference, 6 September 2024, Graz & Bangalore (A/IND); together with Doris Allhutter.

Infrastructures of welfare. Narratives and counter-narratives of data infrastructures in the context of public health insurance and open commons, Big Data Discourses Conference, 2 February 2024, Leipzig (D).

Automating Welfware: How to open up, re-imagine, and rebuild data infrastructures for the public good, STS Austria Conference (Panel Open Infrastructures), Austrian Academy of Sciences, 28 November 2023, Vienna (A).

Algorithmic systems in public administration. The AMS Algorithm (AMAS) and its sociotechnical implications, RingVO Governing Inclusion and Exclusion in Digital Societies, 6 November 2023, Vienna (A); together with Fabian Fischer.

Keynote #2: Europäische Suche? Vom Datenkapitalismus zur Suchmaschinen-Diversität, Forum Privatheit 2023: Data Sharing – Datenkapitalismus by Default?, 5 October 2023, Berlin (D).

Machtfaktor Infrastruktur: Von Informationshegemonien zu pluralen Suchmaschinenlandschaften in Europa, RingVO Digitalisierung und Internationalisierung, 26 June 2023, Innsbruck (A).

Europäische Such-Infrastruktur? Von Informationshegemonien zu pluralen Suchmaschinenlandschaften, TA Jahrestagung, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 6 June 2023, Vienna (A).

CHANSE kick-off conference, 1-2 June 2023, Tallinn (Estonia).

How to counter-act hegemonic search with European search projects “growing in the ruins scalability leaves behind”, 4S/ESOCITE conference, 7-10 December 2022, Cholula (Mexico).

Search for social change. How to rethink and rebuild digital futures with European search engines/ infrastructures devoted to the public good, MOMENTUM Kongress, 13-16 October 2022, Hallstatt (A).

Marginalized search. How to counter-act hegemonic search with alternative search projects from Europe, AOIR conference, 2-5 November 2022, Dublin (IR).

Panel discussion “Digital Humanism & Democracy” organized by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF); Digi Days, 20 October 2022, Vienna.

Alternative Search. Envisioning and encoding social justice in European search infrastructures, EASST conference, 6-9 July 2022, Madrid (ES).

How to counteract hegemonic search with alternative search projects from Europe, International Digital Security Forum, 1 June 2022, Vienna (A).

Algorithmic Imaginaries. Visions and values in the shaping of search engines, Digital Humanities lecture series, 17 May 2022, University of Vienna (A).

Lecture “Algorithmic Imaginaries” & panel discussion, 12 April 2022, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (A).

Algorithmische Imaginationen. Von der kapitalistischen Ideologie zur Suchmaschinen-Diversität?“, 22 Feburary^2022, Austrian Academy of Sciences. Vienna (A).

Panel discussion “Bias-free Algorithmic Decision-Making: A Utopian Idea?”, 3 February 2022, University of Linz. (cancelled)

“Digital Technologies and Labour Market Policy: the AMS Algorithm“, lecture at Ringvorlesung Governing Algorithms, Department of Political Sciences, University of Vienna, 13 December 2021 (together with Florian Cech).

Preconference: Momentum Young Research Workshop, Hallstatt, 14 October 2021 (together with Thomas Gegenhuber).

„Encoding social change? Analysis of open search technology between German hacker ethics and Asian start-up culture“, 3rd Internatinal Open Search Symposium, virtual CERN, 12 October 2021.

“Encoding Freedom: Analysis of open search technology between German hacker ethics and Asian start-up culture”, 4S conference, virtual Toronto, 6-9 October 2021.

Keynote @ Lund University, Search Symposium, Lund (SE), 16-17 September 2021.

“Rolle von Algorithmen bei Arbeitssuche und Vermittlung, Beispiel AMS Algorithmus”, IHS, Vienna (A), 16 June 2021.

“Auf zu neuen Ufern? Analyse von alternativen Suchmaschinen und deren Imaginationen von demokratischen digitalen Zukünften”, TA21 & NTA9, virtual Vienna, 11 May 2021.

“Coping with the Covid-19 crisis”, panel discussion, virtual ÖAW Joint Academy Day, 18 March 2021; video available here.

“Algorithmen – Freund oder Feind?”, panel discussion, Wiener Zeitung, 28 January 2021, video available here.

“Algorithmic Welfare: BürgerInnen-Profiling im Wohlfahrtsstaat” (together with Doris Allhutter, Florian Cech, Fabian Fischer, Gabriel Grill), Momentum Kongress: Republik, virtual, 16 October 2020.

“Ask Susi! Analyzing open searchtechnologybetween German hackerethicsand Asian start-upculture”, Momentum Kongress: Republik, virtual, 16 October 2020.

How to create your own AI device with SUSI.AI – An open source platform for conversational web“, workshop @ Ars Electronica Festival, Linz (A), 11 September 2020 (together with Hong-Phuc Dang).

Future imaginaries in the making and governing of digital technology: Multiple, contested, commodified” @ 4S/EASST conference 2020, virtual Prague (CZ), 19 August 2020 (together with C. Katzenbach).

Algorithmic profiling of job seekers in Austria: How austerity politics are made effective” @ 4S/EASST conference 2020, virtual Prague (CZ), 18 August 2020 (together with D. Allhutter, F. Cech, F. Fischer & G. Grill).

How to push back hegemonic search? Analyzing alternative imaginaries in search engine design and their potential to contribute to more open digital futures” @ 4S/EASST conference 2020, virtual Prague (CZ), 18 August 2020.

Live radio broadcast “Das eingefärbte Fenster zu Welt” @ Ö1 Punkt Eins (A), 5 December 2019.

“Algorithmen, Daten und Netzwerke” @ Tagung: Wiener Netzwerke 1920 – 1970 – 2020; Museumsquartier Vienna (A), 16 November 2019.

“Data protection is a fundamental right. Examining sociotechnical imaginaries of search engines and Europe”, keynote @ digital society research day, Maastricht (NL), 15 November 2019.

Contribution to the panel discussion “Occupy Internet. Der “gute” Algorithmus“, ORF Radiokulturhaus Vienna (A), 13 November 2019.

“Algorithmic profiling of job seekers in Austria: how to make austerity politics effective” @ 4th European Technology Assessment Conference, Bratislava (SK), 4 November 2019 (together with D. Allhutter, F. Cech, F. Fischer & G. Grill).

“Wearables, Selbstvermessung und Fitnessapps und mögl. Herausforderungen für die Gesundheitsbildung” @ Digitalisierung – Medien – Bildung: Was bedeutet Digitalisierung für die Erwachsenenbildung? Vienna (A), 14 October 2019.

“Alternative search engines as drivers for social change?” @ Information Science Trends: Search Engines and Information Retrieval conference, Hamburg (D), 26 April 2019.

“Where is SUSI in the AI?” workshop @ FOSSASIA Open Tech Summit, Singapore (SGP), 18 March 2019.

Visions and values in European search engine design” @ TU Wien (A), 21 January 2019

“Body data – data body. Tracing ambiguous trajectories of data bodies between empowerment and social control in the context of Health”, workshop Digital Data(-fication) @ University of Vienna (A), 17 December 2018 (together with Katja Mayer).

“Algorithmen, Daten und Ideologien. Zur Analyse von sozio-technischen Praktiken in der Gestaltung von (alternativen) Suchmaschinen”, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung @ TU Berlin (D), 15 November 2018.

Selbst vermessen – fremd gesteuert @ Momentum Kongress 2018: Klasse, Hallstatt (A), 18-21 October (together with Katja Mayer).

Social innovation. Alternative search engines as drivers for social change? @ STS Austria Conference: Innovation and Societal Transformation: Science, Democracy, and Sustainable Futures, Klagenfurt (A), 17-19 September 2018.

Data protection is a fundamental right in Europe”. Examining sociotechnical imaginaries of search engines and a European identity @ EASST2018: Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society together, Lancaster University, UK, 25-28 July 2018.

“Technikforschung als Gesellschaftskritik? Analyse der Rolle von Normativität in meiner Forschung zu alternativen Suchmaschinen” @ TA18: Technikfolgenabschätzung und Normativität – An welchen Werten orientiert sich TA?, Vienna, 11 June 2018.

Invited talk “Algorithmic Imaginaries” @ Ethics in Information Technology, University of Hamburg, 28 May 2018. (thanks to Judith Simon for the organization!)

Brown Bag Lunch talk “Algorithmic Imaginaries” @ HIIG, 16 May 2018.

Workshop “We are on a mission. Exploring the role of future imaginaries in the making and governing of digital technology” (organized together with Christian Katzenbach) @ HIIG Berlin, 27 April 2018.

Invited talk “Algorithmic Imaginaries. Vision and values in the shaping of search engines” @ Institute of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, 19 April 2018. (thanks to Claudia Müller-Birn for organizing this!)

34c3 Kongress, Leipzig, 27-30 December 2017.

Beitrag zum Workshop “Open Search Infrastructure”, Munich, 16 November 2017.

Algorithmische Imaginationen. Visionen und Werte in der Ko-Produktion von Suchtechnologie und Europa“ @ Japanologische Fachtagung, Vienna, 11 November 2017.

“Momentum Young Research”, pre-conference workshop @ Momentum Kongress, Hallstatt, 19 October 2017 (together with Leo Dobusch).

Elektronische Person, Governance-by-Design & Co., ExpertInnen Workshop & öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion “Verantwortungsvolle Automatisierung” @ ÖAW, Vienna, 2 October 2017.

“(Un)Making Europe in the Context of Search Engine Policy” @ European Sociological Association conference, Athens, 1 September 2017.

“Biofeedback. Good bot and bad bot”, performance @ Liquid Music FIN/2, Wies, 9 June 2017 (together with Katja Mayer).

“Suschmaschinen in Europa. Europäische Suchmaschinen?”, presentation @ Netzpolitischer Abend, Vienna, 2 March, 2017.

“Search for Serendipity”, round table discussion, Vienna (Malzgasse 12a), 15 November 2016: 6pm

“Momentum Young Research”, pre-conference workshop @ Momentum Kongress, Hallstatt, 13 October 2016 (together with Elke Schüßler)

“Search engine imaginary. Visions and values in the co-production of search technology and Europe” @ AoIR pre-conference workshop “The Internet Rules, But How? A Science and Technology Studies Take on Doing Internet Governance”, Berlin, 5 October 2016

Panel “ICTs and power relations. Present dilemmas and future perspectives” (together with Doris Allhutter & Stefan Strauss) @ IS4IS Summit Vienna, Vienna, 3-7 June 2015

Europa gegen Google & Co?“, Präsentation der Projektergebnisse “Glocal Search” (OeNB), Austrian Academy of Sciences, 23.o4.2015

“Alternative Suchmaschinen und deren Ideologien” @ Buchpräsentation: Anton Tantner: Die ersten Suchmaschinen. Adressbüros, Fragämter, Intelligenz-Comptoirs“, University of Vienna, 25.03.2015

“Search engine governance at the intersection of global, European, and local contexts” @ Tag der Politikwissenschaft, Vienna, 28-29 November 2014

“Digital labor, capitalist ideology, and alternative future” @ digital labor conference, NYC, 14-16 November

“Momentum Young Research”, pre conference workshop @ Momentum Kongress, 16 October, Hallstatt (together with Leonhard Dobusch)

“The absence and presence of “the state” in sociotechnical imaginaries of search engines” @ EASST conference, Torun/ Poland, 17-19 September 2014

“Google media coverage in the context of EU data protection reform” @ STS Conference 2014 ‘Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies’, Panel ‘The Politics of ICTs’, Graz/ Austria, 5-6 May 2014

“Is small really beautiful? Big search and its alternatives” @ Society of the Query #2, Amsterdam, 7-8 November 2013; blog post & video here

Moderation of the track “technology and regulation” @ Momentum 13 symposium, Hallstatt/ Austria, 17-20 October 2013

Panel “Social Media in der Politarena” @ Österreichische Medientage, Stadthalle Wien, 24-26 September 2013

“Mächtige Netze – Vernetzte Macht” @ Paraflows Festival, Vienna, MQ, Raum D, 13-15 September 2013

Österreichischer Netzkonvent – Forderungen und Ergebnisse” @ Daten. Netz. Politik 13, Kabelwerk Vienna, 14-15 September 2013; video available on their website.

Wir: Der Souverän, Vienna, Künstlerhaus Passagegalerie, 11 September 2013

Participation in the book launch “Vor Google. Eine Mediengeschichte der Suchmaschine im analogen Zeitalter”, Vienna, 9 April 2013, 7pm, Lesesaal der Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Eingang Lichtenfelsgasse 2, Stiege 6 (Lift), 1. Stock

“User Profiling. Wie globale Unternehmen aus lokalen Daten Profit schlagen” @ EBC/ APA, Vienna, 26 July 2012 – pics & press.

Issue Mapping Online Workshop, London, 22 May 2012

“Defining Algorithmic Ideology: Using ideology theories to understand and critique corporate search engines” @ Critical Social Media/Information Society Conference, Uppsala, 2-4 May 2012

“Suchmaschinen im Spannungsfeld von globaler Informationsökonomie und lokaler Gesellschaftspolitik”, Themenabend Black Box Suchmaschine, 25.4.2012, Museumsquartier, Raum D, Wien. Link zum Video Archiv der Veranstaltung (organisiert gemeinsam mit René König).

“The performative character of digital methods” @ OII conference “Interdisciplinary Insights on the Social Science of Digital Research”, Oxford, 12 March 2012

Unlike Us. Understanding Social Media Monopolies and their Alternatives, Amsterdam, 8-10 March (no talk)

“Google & user profiling” @ Geek Girl Meetup Umeå, 14 December 2011, Café Station: 16h-18h

Workshop “Studying digital cultures – tools and methods“, organized by Lund University’s Humanities Laboratory, the Humanities Experiment Group (HEX), and the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund, 24 November 2011

Lecture on “Digital Methods” in Olof Sundin‘s seminar on Research Methods, Lund, 23 November 2011: 9h-12h

Lecture @ USSTE seminar “BIOFUELS IN PUBLIC SPHERES: How old and new media shape the biofuel controversy under the influence of technoscientific marketing” (together with Jenny Eklöf in Umeå, 8 November 13.00-14.30

Inauguration symposium of the new research institute “Internet and Society” in Berlin, 25-28 October

Presentation @ symposium Knowledge Machines between Freedom and Control, IMA Institut fuer Medienarcheologie, Hainburg, 6-7 October 2011

“Search Engines in Society” @ Social Media Cultures workshop, HUMlab, 26-28 September 2011

“Algorithmic Ideology: How capitalist society shapes search engines”, @ conference A Decade in Internet Time, OII/ Oxford, 21-24 September 2011

Lecture @ Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology Vienna: Economy – Markets – Organizations: The Culture of modern Economy, University of Vienna, 11-16 July 2011

Digital methods summer school: After cyberspace, data-rich media, Media Studies/ University of Amsterdam, 27 June – 8 July 2011

“Search technology in society: Constructing search engines, shaping knowledge”, HUMlab, May 17, 2011: 1pm – with live stream. yay 😉

“Mediated Knowledge & Search Engines“, Swedish Association for Information Specialists in Northern Sweden/ Umeå University 11 April 2011

“Mediated Knowledge”, SuMa-Ev. Kongress “Was zu tun ist!”, Berlin 6 October 2010

„Mediated Knowledge. Sociotechnical practices of communicating medical knowledge via the web and their epistemic implications“, Seminar lectures in Lund and Borås (Library and Information Science), 27 April – 4 May 2010

„Das weltweite Netz (ab)bilden“, Visualisierung sozialer Netzwerke, Munich 1-2 May 2009

“Acting with the Web. How to handle multiplicity in the context of online health information”, 4S – EASST Annual Meeting 2008: Acting with Science, Technology and Medicine, Rotterdam 20-23 August 2008

“Multiplying ‘the web’: How the choice of method frames the object of study”, Conference Virtually Informed – The Internet as (new) health information source, Vienna 25-26 January 2008

“´Virtual´ networks meet ´real´ surfers? Multiple Internet/s in the context of online health information”, Internet Research 8.0: Let’s Play Conference, Vancouver 17-20 October 2007


“Mapping, practicing and thinking “the InterNet”. Challenging network thought in the context of online health information”, New Network Theory Conference, Amsterdam 28-30 June 2007

“Giving birth to the e-patient: Configuring the multiple patient in public discourses on e-health”, Easst Conference 2006, Lausanne 23-26 August 2006 (together with Ulrike Felt and Lisa Gugglberger)

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