
Mager, A (2024) Algorithmic Imaginaries. Visions & values in the shaping of search engines, Rahmenschrift for the habilitation, University of Vienna: open access.

Wendehorst, C., Eitenberger, M., Winter J., Mager, A., Prainsack, B., Weiss, A. (2024) Narratives of digital ethics: AGIDE (academies for global innovation and digital ethics) report, Austrian Academy of Sciences: open access.

Mager, A. (forthcoming) Digital Europe from below. Alternative routes to the Digital Decade, in: Hoyweghen IV, Dratwa J, and Verschraegen G (eds) Project Europe. Remaking European futures through digital innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mager, A., Norocel O.C., and Rogers, R. (2023) Advancing search engine studies: The evolution of Google critique and intervention, Big Data & Society 10(2), editorial to special issue The State of Google Critique and Intervention: open access.

Mager, A. (2023) European Search? How to counter-imagine and counteract hegemonic search with European search engine projects, Big Data & Society 10(1): Big Data & Society, 10(1): open access.

Mager, A. & C. Katzenbach (2021) “Future imaginaries in the making and governing of digital technology: Multiple, contested, commodified”, New Media & Society (editorial to special issue Future Imaginaries), preprint here.

Mager, A. (2020). Deus ex machina? Rezension zu “Todesalgorithmus: Das Dilemma der künstlichen Intelligenz” von Roberto Simanowski, Soziopolis; open access.

Allhutter, D., Cech, F., Fischer, F., Grill, G. & Mager, A. (2020). Der AMS-Algorithmus. Eine Soziotechnische Analyse des Arbeitsmarktchancen-Assistenz-Systems (AMAS), final report; download.

Mager, A., & Allhutter, D. (2020). AMS-Algorithmus könnte zu struktureller und sozialer Ungleichheit beitragen. Arbeit & Wirtschaft Blog, open access.

Allhutter, D., Cech, F., Fischer, F., Grill, G. & Mager, A. (2020) “Algorithmic Profiling of Job Seekers in Austria: How Austerity Politics Are Made Effective”, Frontiers in Big Data (Special Issue Critical Data and Algorithm Studies), open access.

Mager, A. & Mayer, K. (2019) “Body data-data body: Tracing ambiguous trajectories of data bodies between empowerment and social control in the context of health”, Momentum Quarterly 8(2): 95-108; full text.

Mager, A. (2019) Book Review: Ann Rudinow Sætnan, Ingrid Schneider, and Nicola Green (eds): The Politics of Big Data. Big Data, Big Brother?, Information, Communication & Society, download.

Mager, A. (2019). Myth #19: Search engines provide objective results, In Matthias C Ketteman and Stephan Dreyer (Ed.) Busted. The truth about the 50 most common internet myths. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3520739

Mager, A. (2019) “Zur Definition der Ideologie des Algorithmus: kommerzielle Suchmaschinen im Licht der Ideologiekritik”, Maske und Kothurn 1-2.

Mager, A. (2018) “Internet governance as joint effort: (Re)ordering search engines at the intersection of global and local cultures”, New Media & Society, online first, download.

Mager, A. (2017) “Search engine imaginary. Visions and values in the co-production of search technology and Europe”, Social Studies of Science 47(2), download.

Mager, A. and K. Mayer (2017) “Biofeedback. Von Körperdaten und Datenkörpern”, in: H. Ranzenbacher (ed) FIN/2. Liquid Music 2017, Wies: Liquid Music: 80-89, download.

Mager, A. (2015) Project report “Glocal Search” (OeNB, 14702), download.

Gudowsky N., M. Sotoudeh, A. Bogner, D. Fuchs, A. Mager et al. [..] (2014) Responsible Research und TA – Innovationen neu gestalten. Bericht von der 6. Konferenz des Netzwerks TA und der 14. Jahreskonferenz des ITA Wien (NTA6-TA14). Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis (TATuP), Bd. 23 (3), S. 106-110; full text (in German).

Mager, A. (2014) “Ideologie des Algorithmus. Wie der neue Geist des Kapitalismus Suchmaschinen formt”, in: B. Stark, D. Dörr, S. Aufenanger (eds) Die Googleisierung der Informationssuche. Suchmaschinen zwischen Nutzung und Regulierung, Berlin/ Boston: De Gruyter: 201-223; download.

Mager, A. (2014) „Is small really beautiful? Big search and its alternatives“, in: R. König and M. Rasch (eds) Society of the Query Reader. Reflections on Web Search, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures: 59-72; download.

Mager, A. (2014) Defining Algorithmic Ideology: Using Ideology Critique to Scrutinize Corporate Search Engines, Triple C. Cognition, Communication and Co-Operation 12(1); full text.

Mager, A. (2013) In search of ideology. Socio-cultural dimensions of Google and alternative search engines, ITA manu:scripts; download.

Eklöf, J. and A. Mager (2013) Technoscientific Promotion and Biofuel Policy. How the Press and Search Engines Stage the Biofuel Controversy, Media, Culture & Society; download.

Mager, A. (2012) Health information politics: Reconsidering the democratic ideal of the Web as a source of medical knowledge, First Monday 17(10); full text.

Mager, A. (2012) Review of Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka, eds., Media Archaeology. Approaches, Applications, and Implications (2011, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press), Information, Communication & Society, iFirst Article: 1–4; download.

Mager, A. (2012) Algorithmic Ideology. How capitalist society shapes search engines, Information, Communication & Society, iFirst Article: 1-19; download.

Mager, A. (2012) Search Engines Matter: From educating users towards engaging with online health information practices, Policy & Internet 4(2), special issue on eHealth; download.

Mager, A. (2010): Mediated Knowledge. Sociotechnical practices of communicating medical knowledge via the web and their epistemic implications, Dissertation, University of Vienna/ Austria (received a SuMA Award 2010); download.

Mager, A. (2009): Mediated Health. Sociotechnical practices of providing and using online health information, New Media & Society 11/7: 1123-1142; download.

Felt, U., L. Gugglberger, A. Mager (2009): Shaping the future e-patient: The citizen-patient in public discourse on e-health, Science Studies 22/1: 24-43; download.

Felt, U., M. Fochler, A. Mager, P. Winkler (2008): Visions and versions of governing biomedicine: narratives on power structures, decision-making, and public participation in the field of biomedical technologies in the Austrian context, Social Studies of Science 38/2: 233-257; download.

Felt, U., L. Gugglberger, B. Höcher, A. Mager, S. Österreicher (2008): Virtuell Informiert? Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen fuer die Medizin im Internetzeitalter, Project Report; download.

Mager, A. (2002): “Ewige Jugend” – “Menschliche Ersatzteile” – “Zuwenig Verkehrstote”: Organ transplantation in the context of Austrian media discourses, Diploma Thesis, University of Vienna/ Austria (received a Dr. Maria Schaumayer Prize).

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